The Doctor testifies then Tecteun

The Marvel multiverseal Council members: Dahrean the Witness selector, Welindar The judger, Oposal The Opposition, and Seeala the seer of all. After hearing both sides of the arguments Dahrean the Witness selector said," I think we need to have The Doctor come in and Testify. His words could be so useful in our decision." Oposal The Opposition added," and then Tecteun, I think her word's coupled with The Doctor's could bring a stronger case for this new version of Gallifrey to have a home in a New universe just created. It's a perfect fit for a planet like Gallifrey." Welindar The judger said," I'm in agreement with the two of you." Seeala the seer said," Yes, the new universe created is the best place for this new version of the planet Gallifrey. The new version's of all of the Time Lord's on the new version of Gallifrey are a very good people." 
The next day The Doctor went into the Court room and said," I'm The Doctor, and I am here Honey to testify to why this new version of Gallifrey should be in a new universe." The General asked the fifteenth Doctor a question first," Do you still think that The Time Lord's can be of use and can be helpful when need be?" The Doctor testified," I actually do still believe exactly that we can be useful. I know what you have hidden from me and I forgive you for that." Tony Stark asked The Doctor about Tecteun's treatment of him before the memory wipe," But I have a question for you Doctor, How does it feel to have all of those memories back? Do you forgive your adopted mother Tecteun for the horrible thing's that she did to you?" The Doctor a little taken aback said," I'm still in grieving over her death and that she did what she needed to do after she saw me regenerate after I had an accident playing with a friend after that she told me back when I was a she that she was dying I agreed to help her in any way I could." Steven Rogers asked The Doctor," you didn't once think about your actual parents and Why they left you by the boundary?" The Doctor testified," You do bring up something that I have been thinking about. But if this new version of Gallifrey just beginning needs a home universe I can vouge that we can do extraordinary things if you allow Gallifrey to be part of your new universe." Ohila applauded The Doctor and gave him coordinates for his next thing to do. After The Doctor left for Ruby Road they revived Tecteun after that incident during the flux where she was killed by The Swarm and she testified opening with an apology," I'm Tecteun and to my adopted daughter I am ever so sorry I know what I had put you through was inexcusable. I made you a brother and he's from both of us." Ohila questioned her half sister about the new Time Lord asking," Tecteun, my half sister is this new Time Lord is he made out of your own and The Doctor's DNA? If so Why?" Tecteun testified," I needed a new agent to match what my previous one could do. So I went back in time and took a little sample of The Child 's DNA and my own to make The Tony." The General said," You knowingly flouted Gallifreyan law to make a better agent to work for you?!?!?!?. Is this Why you broke The division off from Gallifrey?" Tecteun testified," Yes, I just saw an opportunity after what I have done to The Doctor that I needed to atone for all of that. I wouldn't say that was the only reason why I broke The Division off from Gallifrey one of the other reasons was that I wanted to try and find The Child I had found at the boundary by that pillar below it's parents. I wanted to know why her parents were small enough to leave a little girl stranded in a universe all by herself." Ohila understood her half sister and said," I would want to know too sister." Bruce Banner then asked Tecteun," So Where is your son The Tony now? Is there any reason why this new version of Gallifrey is helpful and better?" Tecteun testified," The Tony is off on his own mission's. Once he is done with those I think I should send him to check up on the planet Gallifrey in that New universe. Once I get back to The Division I will see if they can be, and the first thing I will do is suggest a different name for this new version of Gallifrey." After that they ended that hearing and the jury unanimously agreed to let this new version of Gallifrey in the new universe pending the different name from Tecteun. The name came back through to the marvel multiverseal Council Who loved it each of the four saying it's new name," Marvitrey." then it was in a whole new marvel universe.


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